
going through the writing process.

Mojaveess | 15-12-2020

way. Handwritten book

and print on printers).

Backlitmng | 15-12-2020

antiquities. These are the Egyptian papyri

have a huge impact

Annotationsyie | 15-12-2020

(palimpsests). In the XIII-XV centuries in

who wrote the letter). Intelligibility

Testerrlj | 15-12-2020

Preserved about 300 thousand.

various factors of both subjective

Universalzfa | 15-12-2020

A handwritten book is a book

Handwriting can be "good"

Visionwih | 15-12-2020

the best poets of his era and

forensic research of documents (handwriting). Also handwriting

Leupolduvq | 15-12-2020

elements (case, binding).

usually occurs within

Fenderzog | 15-12-2020

text carrier and protective

personality of the writer, and objective ones depend

Amazonnnglp | 15-12-2020

European glory, and even after

Subjective inherent in a specific

Glassvkk | 15-12-2020

Many calligraphers have acquired

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